WELLINGTON COUNTY – Grade 10 students from John F. Ross Collegiate Vocational Institute (CVI) Guelph CVI, and Centre Wellington District High School visited College Heights Secondary School on Dec. 4 and 5 to explore a range of enhanced skilled trades. Students participated in hands-on learning experiences involving transportation (auto mechanics/auto body), hospitality and tourism (culinary and baking), construction (building trades), health and wellness (hairstyling and aesthetics/health care), horticulture and landscaping, and manufacturing (welding and machining).

Photos by Robin George
Avery Smith, Nick Wilton and Johnson Dunlop hold up the tiles they secured frames to during a construction lesson. Smith lives in Guelph/Eramosa and attends GCVI and Wilton and Dunlop live in Puslinch and attend John. F. Ross. Dunlop said he signed up for the tech day at College Heights because it was an opportunity to learn skills that would be useful in life, empowering him to know how to complete projects himself rather than always needing to hire someone.