Student to be mayor for a day during Local Government Week

It’s not often a 13-year-old kid gets the chance to be mayor, but that is exactly what could happen next month.

As part of its efforts to recognize Local Government Week from Oct. 19 to 25, Map­leton Township will be holding a Mayor For a Day contest, open to all grade 8 students in the municipality.

The winner, chosen from among those who submit a short essay on why they would like to be mayor, will shadow Mayor John Green for a day and assist as mayor during the Oct. 21 council meeting. The lucky student will also receive a prize or gift certificate.

Runners-up in the contest will each shadow a member of council, participate in the council meeting, and receive a prize or gift certificate.

Councillors said at last week’s council meeting they like the idea of the contest, as well as several other activities proposed by Clerk Patty Sinna­mon for Local Government Week.

Among Sinnamon’s other recommendations are:

– first, proclaiming the week of Oct. 19 to 25 as Local Government Week;

– using the Emergency Aware­ness Day scheduled for Oct. 18 as the “kick-off” for the week as the day involves the participation of local fire, pol­ice, and ambulance services as well as the county’s emergency management team, and includ­es a breakfast hosted by the fire department from 7 to 11am;

– visits to local schools by staff and councillors, which would fit in with grade 5 social studies curriculum on all three levels of government in Can­ada; and

– a recognition evening, possibly on Oct. 23, for committee members, service clubs, firefighters, councillors, staff, and residents who have donated valuable volunteer hours for the betterment of the community.

Sinnamon told council she would put together a team of staff members to assist with preparations for Local Gov­ernment Week, and expects the activities to cost no more than $4,000 – which will cover  the appreciation evening, advertising, and educational materials.

She proposed the costs be covered as promotions expenses within economic development.

The township has budgeted $10,000 for economic development, with less than $100 of that money used to date, she added.

Council was unanimously in favour of the idea of Local Government Week as well as the recommendations made by Sinnamon.

