PUSLINCH – Council here has approved two intersection improvements that councillors say are prudent and could save lives.
With the City of Guelph planning improvements at two intersections on Maltby Road, director of public works, parks and facilities Mike Fowler thought it would be smart to move planned intersection improvements in the area ahead in the queue and coordinate construction with Guelph.
“Logistically it makes much more sense to implement these changes concurrently to this local road network,” Fowler wrote in his March 2 report to council.
Township improvements include adding a four-way stop at Maltby Road and Watson Road, and a three-way stop at Hume Road and Watson Road.
The Maltby/Watson stop signs will be oversized and have red flashing lights.
The City of Guelph is installing a new traffic signal at Maltby Road and Gordon Street and all-way stop controls at both the east and west legs of Victoria Road at Maltby Road. Guelph intends to commence work this summer.
Fowler said the proposed improvements are identified in the township’s Roads Management Plan, but that plan is still in development and has not been presented to council. He was seeking permission to move ahead with the project.

Puslinch intersection improvements include adding a four-way stop at Maltby Road and Watson Road. (Puslinch council agenda image)
The cost is estimated at $6,000 for both intersections, including new signage, new pavement markings and stop bars.
“This work has not been included in the 2022 operating budget, but this will be addressed at 2022 year-end,” he wrote in the report.
Councillors unanimously supported the proposal.
“I’m so pleased the city is moving ahead with lights at Gordon and Maltby,” said councillor Matthew Bulmer.
“It’s due. And it’s proactive (to do the work) in line with the city. Then traffic will be affected all at once.”
Councillor Jessica Goyda agreed all the improvements along Maltby Road are needed.
“I’ve witnessed near misses at Maltby and Watson,” she said. “This will also be a speed deterrent.”
“I’m sure it will save lives,” councillor John Sepulis remarked.
Fowler said “stop ahead” and “new” signs will also be posted at the intersections once the work is done to remind drivers of the changes.
While the township will coordinate the projects with the city, “our part doesn’t hinge on it,” he said, adding both projects should be complete by the fall.

Puslinch will also add a three-way stop at Hume Road and Watson Road. (Puslinch council agenda image)