Stepping Stone ‘ringing’ with community wins

GUELPH – It takes a village to tackle homelessness in Guelph-Wellington. 

That was the message Stepping Stone had for local landlords who have rented properties to individuals or families who were previously homeless.

A Guelph-Wellington-based agency providing housing-focused support, Stepping Stone recently hosted a small luncheon for local landlords to thank them for working with its team members to make units available. 

Stepping Stone also introduced a repurposed school bell for staff to ring when they have a “win” to celebrate.

“Homelessness is a complex issue that can’t be solved with one solution and that is where our team excels,” said Stepping Stone program manager Candace Wrixon. 

“Our team works with the individuals and families to offer creative solutions to help end their homelessness as quickly as possible, and we stay connected with them to ensure they are supported once they are housed.” 

Wrixon noted landlord support is a vital contribution to ending homelessness in the community. 

Stepping Stone’s team works with landlords to identify the best fit for each rental unit, and to arrange payments that go to landlords directly. 

So far in 2023, Stepping Stone staff have secured homes for 69 individuals despite a vacancy rate at only 1.5% for Guelph. 

“Rehousing is an important part of the housing continuum, to return community members to stability as quickly as possible, and we are so grateful when landlords make a conscious effort to support this area,” said Wrixon. 

Stepping Stone executive director Gail Hoekstra noted teams are active in many other areas of the housing continuum. 

Stepping Stone provides diversion support, (helping individuals remain housed), as well as emergency and supported shelter. 

In June 2023, Stepping Stone will also open Grace Gardens, a permanent supportive housing project that will provide 24/7 on-site staff support for clients who require more support on the housing continuum.

“When an individual or a family is at risk of homelessness, they need a home – and also financial and social supports to become more stable,” said Hoekstra. 

“This work is complex, and if we are going to solve homelessness in Guelph-Wellington, everyone has a role to play.”

The bell will be a permanent fixture in Stepping Stone’s office on Gordon Street, and staff will be encouraged to ring it when there is progress to celebrate. 

“Every time we secure a permanent home for a client, there’s an audible cheer in the office – and we need to keep celebrating those moments,” Hoekstra says. 

Community members in need of housing support can contact Stepping Stone at