St. Joseph’s Catholic Church held successful bazaar and raffle

The calm before the crowds – St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Fergus held a “very successful” raffle and bazaar on Oct. 29 and wishes to thank “the enormous support from community businesses, fellow parishioners and in-kind services,” organizers say. “Attendance was excellent, the weather was perfect, lots for everyone to see or purchase from baked goods to knitted goods, a toonie table, silent auction and a delicious lunch was available at a minimal cost.” Winners of the raffle were: 1st prize of $1,000 went to Loretta Palmer, Fergus; 2nd prize of $500 went to Gwen Sytsma, Elora; 3rd prize of $250 went to Marg Barrett, Elora; 4th prize of $150 went to Victor Landoni, Fergus and 5th prize of $100 went to Heather Grant, Guelph.