Splash pad committee offers flamingo “˜flocking”™ fundraiser in Mapleton

The Mapleton Splash Pad Committee is raising funds for a splash pad to be located in Drayton.

The committee, made up of Drayton Rotary and Kinette Club members, has announced its latest  fundraiser – “You’ve Been Flocked.”

From now until Aug. 31, the committee will place 30 bright pink flamingos on a residential  lawn for a $30 fee. Corporate fees are $50. The flock will roost for 24 hours and then take flight to the next destination as quietly as they appeared. Flockings are done anonymously,  but  the identity of the “flocker” will be revealed after a  $10 donation is made to the Drayton splash pad.

Anyone interested in sending the flock to an unsuspecting recipient can contact the splash pad committee at mapletonsplashpad@gmail.com, on Facebook (The Mapleton Splash Pad) or by calling Erica at 519-292-6728.

