Spirit of the Hills family fun day has superhero theme

Calling all Superheros! Find your cape and soar in for some great fun at Spirit of the Hills 2016, Hillsburgh’s Family Fun Day. This fun-filled community event organized by the Let’s Get Hillsburgh Growing Committee will take place on Saturday Aug. 20 from 10am to 2pm on Trafalgar Road in downtown Hillsburgh.

Young superheroes will be able to play the Kryptonite Toss, Joker’s Basketball Jam, the Spiderman Web Toss and other superhero skill-testing games, organizers note.

“Practice your Spiderman balance in the bouncy castle. How hard and fast is your slap shot? Find out at the Guelph Storm shoot-out tent,” organizers urge.

At the Hillsburgh Branch, Wellington County Library, attendees can have their picture taken using the library’s green screen technology. They will also be able to choose from a variety of superhero-themed backgrounds to make it look like they part of the action.

While cooling off in the library, they can investigate the photos, old and new, in the Hillsburgh Past and Present display and see what the Wellington County Library system has to offer them and their families. On the Hillsburgh Library’s front lawn, Creature Quest Nature Centre will be holding a meet and greet during the event.

Visitors can also check out the “awesome” vendors and community groups that are participating in this year’s event, organizers note.

“Drop by the Let’s Get Hillsburgh Growing (LGHG) Committee’s booth to order your Fall Decorating kit and to bid on silent auction items.  Funds raised from the silent auction will go towards new benches for the downtown sidewalks and landscaping in the Hillsburgh Historical Park.”

Where would superheroes be without their fantastic rides? Check out the cool cars at the classic car show and cast a vote for the favourite car to win the People’s Choice Award.

“There is so much to see and do,” organizers state, including:

– 10:45am – A walking tour of the main street of Hillsburgh led by Phil Gravelle and members of the Town of Erin Heritage Committee. The walk will serve as the launch of the committee`s newly published Hillsburgh Heritage Walking Tour Guide. To participate in the tour meet the tour leaders in the Hillsburgh Branch Library;

– 11am – Tai Chi demonstration by members of the International Taoist Tai Chi Centre.;  

– 11:30am – Superhero costume contest.  What kind of Superhero are you? Come dressed as your favourite superhero and enter the contest; and  

– 12:00pm – The Celebrity Challenge. Cheer your local politicians on as they save the day!

“Up, up and away to Spirit of the Hills.”
