The Mount Forest Rams are WOAA midget champions after going 20-0 in the regular season, 8-0 in the playoffs and 44-3-1 including tournaments. From left: back, James Terpstra, Calder McLeod, Tim Terpstra, Tanner Gordon Ty Duncan, Alexander Varallo and Anthony Kelly; middle, Julie Gordon (trainer), Kaleb Rice, Kevin Rice (coach), Brodie Rice, Noah Felsbourg, Taylor McLellan, Sam Bye, Addie Fisher, Larry Duncan (coach) and Andrea Varallo (manager); front, Rourke Elliott and Alyssa Varallo. Absent: Gary Felsbourg (coach). Varallo said, “I have been the manager of this team for many years and have watched these players grow into amazing young men and women.” Coach Larry Duncan said, “I am so very proud of each and every one of them.” Coach Kevin Rice said, “You don’t get a group of players and parents like this all the time – not only great hockey players, but so good to each other and so great to coach.” Trainer Julie Gordon said, “The memories are priceless, the friendships are eternal and I wouldn’t trade a second of it.” Submitted photo
Spectacular season