Speaker to address sustainability, resilience

Queen’s University Professor Steven Moore is coming here Oct. 29 to make a presentation on Sustainability and Resilience: Next Steps.

The community group Eden Mills Going Carbon Neutral welcomes Moore, known for his humour and story-telling.  The presentation takes place in the Eden Mills community hall from 1 to 4pm.

The community has been making headlines all over the world by attempting to reduce its carbon footprint to be as carbon neutral as possible.

The efforts of the hamlet in Wellington County has not gone unnoticed – and has even inspired others.

Two Toronto neighbourhoods announced in June they, too, are on the quest to become Canada’s first urban carbon neutral communities

Almost two thousand households in Riverdale and the Junction officially began their pursuit of carbon neutrality that month.

Project Neutral, led by a group of civic leaders, selected the two neighbourhoods to participate in a pilot that aims to convert the communities to carbon neutrality.

