Spanish Civil War remembered at Historical Society meeting

The Wellington County Historical Society has for the last several years, chosen a topic for its November public meeting which reflects on the men and women from Wellington County who have served in the military.

 This year Ian Easterbrook, with assistance from the Older Voices performance group, has compiled a presentation which tells the story of seven young men from Wellington County who volunteered to the Spanish Civil War.

Until now, their contribution to what officials call “the preservation of democracy” has been largely overlooked or ignored.

To tell their story, Easterbrook has used letters and stories gathered from the Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, New York University and the Imperial War Museum in London, England.

The presentation, entitled Guelph Men in the Spanish Civil War: No flags waved, no bands played will take place at the Wellington County Museum and Archives on Nov. 3 at 2pm.

The public is invited, free of charge. For more information call 519-843-6576.
