Society hears presentation on bonsai gardening

The speaker for the October meeting of the Moorefield and District Horticultural Society was Robert Traut, who has 30 years of experience in bonsai gardening.

The trick to bonsai gardening, said Traut, is to make a tree look older than it is. The art originated with the Chinese.  They would collect trees from crags on mountain sides and use them to make their Bonsai garden.

Traut uses shallow clay pots and noted pots should be one third the height of the tree. The trees Traut took along to demonstrate were between about six and 16 inches tall. He often uses yew trees but has also used a hard maple and even an apple tree.

Bonsai trees need a lot of pruning and Traut brought along his tools for a demonstration. Watering and fertilizing are also important.   

After a number of questions, Jo Houston thanked Traut for his presentation. Lunch was served by Debbie Oxby and Margaret Martin.

Before adjournment, Houston encouraged members to attend the next meeting, the society’s annual meeting and potluck dinner, to be held on Nov. 26 at the Optimist Hall in Moorefield.     

submitted by Linda Timmerman

