Skinner acclaimed Liberal candidate for Perth Wellington

Stewart Skinner was nominated as the official Ontario Liberal Party candidate for the next provincial election. Kathryn McGarry, vice-president of the Liberal party’s southwestern region executive council, officiated the nomination, which was uncontested.

Allan O’Neill, president of Perth-Wellington Provincial Liberal Riding Association opened the meeting held on Sept. 11 in Atwood.

John Wilkinson, former Perth-Wellington Liberal MPP, introduced Skinner.

“Stewart is young, passionate and smart as a whip. He is a candidate who possesses unique qualities and represents our way of life. I predict Stewart is starting a wonderful political career tonight and that he will make a difference this riding can be proud of,” he said.

Skinner, 29, is excited to be joining Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal team and looks forward to representing Perth-Wellington.

“The generations before us have laid down a strong foundation and it is from this foundation that we need to build from the ground up,” he stated in his nomination speech.

Skinner is optimistic about the future of the region and is confident that any challenges can be overcome.

“Everywhere I look, there is opportunity and with long-term strategic thinking I truly believe that we can harness these opportunities.”   

Skinner is a life-long resident of Listowel where he lives with his wife, Jessica. Stewart. He is a sixth-generation local farmer and holds a Master’s of Science in Agriculture Economics from the University of Guelph. He is also an active community member and agricultural advocate serving as a delegate to Ontario Pork and chair of the communications committee for the Perth County Pork Producers Association.

A press release from the riding association states Skinner is committed to “growing the Perth-Wellington economy, creating local jobs and delivering real results.”

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