Six firms pre-qualify to bid on Centre Wellington sewage plant work

Centre Wellington council has named six firms as qualified to bid on the construction work planned for the sewage treatment plant here.

Council in February approved a request for a tender award committee to approve the recommendations of a selection committee that would choose the firms that would qualify in advance to bid on the plant work – so that work could be done in a timely manner.

The tender was to be issued the week of April 30.

The existing Elora sewage treatment plant handles all waste water in the town including raw sewage from its Clyde Street pumping station and the Grand River Conservation Authority’s pumping station in the Elora Gorge Park.

The upgrades to the plant include expansion of the wet well, replacement of the two existing dry pit pumps with three such pumps, construction of a diesel generator building and a washroom facility for the adjacent township recreational park.

The existing sewage treatment plant will remain in operation until the new plant is ready.

Snarr said the new work includes construction of influent screening and grit remvoal, aeration tanks complete with diffused air aeration, sludge stabilization using the patented Lystek process, addition of a third secondary clarifier, replacement of the existing secondary clarifier mechanisms, and other machinery needed to properly run the plant.

Snarr said work is expected to take two years to complete.

He said in his report four direct invitations to bid were sent to companies, and the work was also advertised on the township web site and the township approved Ontario web site used to seek bids for supply of work and goods.

Snarr said 23 firms picked up pre-qualification documents and nine made a submission.

He said the selection committee met twice, once in March and also just prior to the companies’ selection.

The following firms qualified to bid for the work:

– Wellington Construction Contractors Inc., of Palmerston;

– Maple-Reinders Constructors Ltd., of Mississauga;

– H2 Ontario Inc., of Hamburg;

– Kindom Construction Limited, of Puslinch Township;

– Hira Limited, of St. Thomas; and

– ASCO Construction Ltd., of Mississauga.

Council unanimously approved those firms to bid for the work. Councillor Walt Visser was absent, attending a water conference.
