Crime shredders – Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington’s (CSGW) 2019 Mount Forest shredding event raised the most money in the history of the event, with $1,960 in payments and donations coming in. Those on hand for the event included, from left, CSGW board chair Rick Beazley, board member Dennis Craven, board member Dave Elloway, volunteer Brad Craven, board member Rozanne Ball, board member Rob Mattice, Wasteco customer service representative Robert Theuma and Wasteco general manager Bob Wallace. The event saw a steady stream of customers roll through the drive-through set up at the Wellington North Fire Service – Mount Forest parking lot. The shredding event is held annually to reduce the chance of the public falling victim to identity theft and to act as a fund raiser for CSGW. It is held on the Saturday before Halloween each year.
Shredding event raises record amount for Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington