Seniors centres celebrating ‘one of the most beautiful months of the year’

WELLINGTON COUNTY – The month of June is Seniors Month and this year’s theme is “Working for Seniors.”

“It’s a time to recognize the hard work seniors have done all their lives to make Ontario into the great place it is today,” officials said.

While communities in Wellington County celebrate Seniors Month with numerous activities and events, there are also year-round opportunities to get involved and show appreciation for the county’s senior population.

Melissa Baffis, Guelph-Eramosa’s community programs coordinator, shared her thoughts on working for seniors and provided a lively list of free events the Rockmosa Older Adults Centre (ROAC) will be hosting throughout the summer.  

“We love serving the seniors in our community, they are truly a joy to be around,” Baffis said. 

“The wealth of knowledge, experience and care they bring is invaluable to us and the community. Our Older Adults Centre in Rockwood has become a hub of connection, meeting the needs of seniors socially, physically and mentally.”

Baffis said seniors who attend programming at the centre are eager to share their expertise and knowledge with each other. 

“We often overhear conversations about their great doctor, dentist, someone who shops for them, cleans and the many places they volunteer,” she said.

Many seniors in the community volunteer their time to help others and the centre. 

“We truly could not run all the programming we do without volunteer support,” Baffis said. 

The Rockmosa Older Adults Centre in Rockwood hosts a summer concert in its enabling garden. Submitted photos

Upcoming ROAC special events include:

– Music in the Garden with Bradley Hale on June 20 from 7 to 9pm;

– Strawberry Social on June 27 from 9:30 to 10:30am and 11am to 12pm (registration required);

– Music in the Garden with Fiddlestix on July 18 from 7 to 9pm; and

– Music in the Garden with a Caribbean Steel Drum Band on Aug. 15 from 7 to 9pm.

All musical events take place at ROAC’s enabling garden, at 121 Rockmosa Dive, Rockwood.

Centre Wellington Township’s Victoria Park Seniors’ Centre (VPSC) supervisor of seniors’ services Kathryn Morgan said the centre is as busy as ever, and there are several activities planned to celebrate Seniors Month.

Games, music enjoyment and other drop-in leisure activities at the centre, along with virtual programs, are led by volunteer seniors. 

“They are very active in volunteering and want to give back to the centre that they enjoy,” said Morgan.

She describes the centre as welcoming, friendly and “a very social club.” 

Euchre is one of the most popular activities along with seated yoga programs.

You don’t have to be 55-plus to enjoy the activities either. 

“Any adult is welcome to take part in the programming,” Morgan said.

Adult children often go with a parent on bus trips each year, Morgan said. 

“One of them is a Blue Jays matinee – that happens a lot and it’s a fun day out for them to enjoy with their parents,” she explained.

Upcoming events at VPSC, located at 180 Albert Street West in Fergus, include:

– urban pole walking workshops June 10 and 17, 9:30am;

– mystery card walk, June 10 at 9:30am;

– new members welcome and tour June 17 at 10am; and

– strawberry social, June 20 at 1:30pm.

The centre also has a speaker series planned with topics such as downsizing, sundowning and preventing caregiver burnout. To register for events and learn more visit or call 519-846-9691 ext 204.

Seniors’ Centre for Excellence (SCE) health services coordinator Helen Edwards calls Seniors Month “one of the most beautiful months of the year.” 

“We truly believe that seniors bring richness and wisdom wherever they go,” Edwards said. 

She added a community is only as healthy as its residents, and senior volunteers keep so many organizations operating through their passion and commitment. 

“It’s hard to imagine where small-town Ontario would be without its army of senior volunteers,” said Edwards.

Upcoming SCE events include:

– a dining event with guest speaker Dale Franklin on “Organ and Tissue Donation” on June 28 at the Harriston United Church, 57 Young Street West, Harriston; and

– an Intergenerational Art Workshop (bring a grandchild and create beautiful aprons and memories) on June 18, from 1 to 3:30pm at the PMD Arena, 68 Main Street West, Drayton.

Visit for more information and for SCE newsletters, programs and events.

The Mount Forest Seniors’ Club will hold its Seniors Month celebratory free barbecue on July 3 at the Mount Forest and District Sports Complex in Mount Forest. 

The East Wellington Community Services (EWCS) Adult Day Program (ADP) is a warm and welcoming place for older adults to socialize and take part in meaningful activities, said ADP manager Francesca Fernandes.

Programs and activities are based on the interests and abilities of clients. 

 ADP program facilitator Diana Johnston said she has observed “many local seniors who attend our program make meaningful connections with a stranger who becomes a dear friend as the weeks pass by. 

“I have watched clients who arrive shy and quiet settle into a comfort that allows them to fully engage and contribute to meaningful discussion.” 

Johnston offered insight into the importance of recognizing and honouring seniors. 

“I have had the pleasure of holding hands, sharing hugs and listening to raw and honest life experiences. Sometimes we all need a genuine, listening ear, a touch of a hand to remind us we are cared for, we are worthy, and we matter in this world,” she said.

The opportunity to learn about the history of the area and to hear of life experiences are invaluable, Johnston added. 

“I have heard stories of the milk, bread, coal and ice delivery men. I learned of a woman who became a pilot in case an emergency happened in the air with her pilot husband. 

“I have learned of ration coupons for butter, flour and sugar and how trying life was during war time. I have heard recollections of poor childhoods with little material items but for the roof and the food in their belly, yet they smile and recall that time with happiness and gratefulness.” 

EWCS will be celebrating its 40th anniversary on June 20 from 6 to 8pm at the Erin Hills Lavender Farm, 5837 3rd Line, Erin. For more information about the event and for EWCS ADP activities email The EWCS website ( is currently under construction.

Provincial awards

You can nominate a senior you know for two provincial awards, the Ontario Senior Achievement Award and the Ontario Citizen of the year award. 

Nominations can be made at any time in the calendar year. Anyone can nominate a senior living in Ontario for The Ontario Senior Achievement Award. 

Municipalities can nominate a senior living in Ontario for the Ontario Senior of the Year Award. 

Visit the nomination portal at
