GUELPH – Royal LePage Royal City Realty raised $25,000 for Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis at The Summer Soiree on Aug. 15.
This past August marked the second year Royal LePage Royal City Realty hosted The Summer Soiree.
It was a garden party inspired evening that took place at Aberfoyle Mill Restaurant and included games, music by Southbound Soul, and a silent and live auction.
With the support of sponsors, Royal City Realtors, and the Guelph-Wellington community, the event raised $25,000 for Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis.
“We are completely moved by the generosity of the caring team at Royal City Realty,” said Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis executive director Sly Castaldi.
“They continuously go above and beyond giving of their time and support for our women and children.
“The second annual Summer Soiree is just one of the many ways this team gives back to the community throughout the year. Their generosity is exceptional and their positive impact is immeasurable.”
Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis was started 42 years ago by eight brave University of Guelph students in one room, with one phone line. Due to their commitment, determination, and community support, Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis has helped and continues to help thousands of women and children each year in the community.