Ross-Zuj hopes municipalities recognized as full partners in latest federal budget

Centre Wellington Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj is hopeful the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)  has made an impact on the March 21 federal budget.

“I’m very anxious about this particular budget. There was a lot of work FCM has done to be part of this budget process in making municipalities partners at a federal level with regards to funding for water systems, roads and bridges. This is very critical for all the work we have done by the committee.”

Ross-Zuj is on the FCM board and has been taking part in these discussions at a national level.

“We hope these talks will be reflected in (Minister of Finance Jim) Flaherty’s presentation.”

She hoped that key message would be clear.

“We hope that municipalities are finally recognized in the distribution of funds. It’s been a long year of work.”
