Road Watch program endorsed by OPPs Smith

Centre Wellington Road Watch is thanking and welcoming the official support of the Wellington County Detachment of the OPP.

The Canada-wide program that allows residents to report dangerous driving to police is coming to the township.

According to OPP statistics, traffic related issues account for 25% of the calls for service in Wellington County.  In 2011, 306 people were injured and seven people were killed in motor vehicle collisions in the county.

Wellington OPP Detachment Commander Scott Smith said, ?Collisions don?t just happen, rather they are the result of an inappropriate decision on the part of a driver, including driving aggressively or while distracted. Road Watch is a program that encourages all motorists to report inappropriate driving to the police.?

Upon receipt of a complaint, police will take appropriate action to bring it to the attention of the offending driver.

Residents of Caledon started Road Watch in 1995 to provide a way to easily report directly to the OPP instances of bad driving that could result in an accident.

That is done by going to and completing a reporting form and clicking on the OPP icon to send the report.

The Centre Wellington Road Watch committee, which is a community initiation with the support of the local OPP has been formed and is fund-raising to provide information pamphlets throughout the township.

For more information contact committee chairman Larry Schmidt at 519-787-3820.
