WELLINGTON NORTH – A rezoning application to facilitate construction of a six-unit townhouse on Birmingham Street in Mount Forest has been approved by township council.
The amending bylaw, approved by council in regular session following a public meeting held via video-conference on Oct. 13, rezones a portion of a 5.7 acre property from medium density residential (R2) to high density residential (R3).
R2 zoning restricts townhouse development on the property to a four-unit structure.
“A conformity exercise was done for this proposal which checked all the boxes,” noted Wellington County planner Matthieu Daoust.
He also pointed out the applicant has submitted a site plan for the development and a four-unit townhouse being built just east of the subject property.
Hailey Keast of Van Harten Surveying, agents for the developer, noted the rezoning is a condition of a recently approved consent severance on the property.
The other severed properties will not require rezoning, noted Keast.
“It will enhance the area and provide alternative housing in Mount Forest,” said Keast of the townhouse development.