Revised policy for fixing streetlights

"It’s a matter of cost.”

Wellington North’s Public Works Manager Gary Williamson Gary reported that Wellington North Power (WNP) had requested direction regarding responding to street light requests.

He said these requests usually come from the general public and/or the police regarding lights which are not working.

However, Williamson explained when these requests come on weekends or outside normal working hours there is an overtime cost to respond. The committee agreed that WNP does not need to respond to these requests until the next normal working day. The exception would obviously be signal light repairs which must be responded to right away.

Williamson said the works committee felt this was not a big safety issue and could be addressed by staff the following working day rather than paying overtime.

“Obviously signal lights would need to be addressed immediately,” he said.

Councillor John Matusinec said in regard to the streetlights, he wondered if there was a determination as to numbers of streetlights.

Williamson responded the numbers were not discussed. He said at night people would be driving with lights on in their cars.

Matusinec said it happened twice in the Arthur area near Christmas. While there were no complaints, he said it was dark downtown and he quested whether it would create a security risk.

“I can understand if it’s only one or two lights,” but he wondered if action should be taken immediately if it involves a whole block.

“It’s up to council. Wellington North Power just wanted direction as to how to deal with it,” Williamson added.

