Retired Women Teachers host regular meeting

“A hand up not a hand out” is a motto of the Free the Children organization that Donna McFarlane is involved with.

On Sept. 21, she gave a power point presentation to the Palmerston Branch of Retired Women Teachers of Ontario about the progress being made in the Osenetoi region of Kenya where she and her family, along with several members of the three Mount Forest schools, travelled one year ago.

McFarlane explained how Free the Children is helping the people become self sufficient in the struggle to have clean water, less disease and the ability to earn a living from the things that they grow or make. By teaching the children about bacteria in the water they drink and use, they can then take the message home to the parents that all water must be boiled. As a result of these and other efforts, disease is on the decline.

McFarlane thanked the ladies for their continued support through the pennies they have collected, as well as donations given to her. She saw firsthand how these donations were helping the people of Osenetoi and how appreciative they are.

On Nov. 15 and 16 three of the Maasai Warriors she met will be coming to Mount Forest to Wellington Heights Secondary School and St. Mary’s Catholic School.

A future trip to Kenya in the summer of 2013 is being planned as well. Sandra Cole thanked Donna for her presentation.

President Kathy Brown welcomed everyone and spoke briefly about the third annual brunch held at Pike Lake on Sept. 4, where the ladies and guests were entertained by the music of Trina Collette. Several draws were made as well. The eight new members who were presented with pins by Brown are: Betty Simpson, Eleanore Ross, Hope Lehman, Lois Whetham, Tina Holdenby, Connie Robinson, Debra Kalb and Maureen Taeger.

Marg Dally read a poem about pins to encourage the new members to wear their pin to each meeting to avoid a fine. A roast beef meal was prepared by the Presbyterian Church ladies.

Two new interest groups are being added to the list this year. The new walking group met to walk the Palmerston trail in September and October.  

A knitting and crocheting group is being considered to knit or crochet bags and pneumonia vests for the hospitals. Members continue to enjoy the film club, book club and golf group.

Lynn Hodgins, Anne Darroch and Joanne Matthews relayed information about the convention in Sault Saint Marie last June. Matthews spoke about the resolutions which are also outlined in the latest Connections magazine, while Hodgins and Darroch encouraged others to attend in the future with their account of the meals, entertainment, excursions and fellowship that the eight ladies enjoyed.  Next June the convention will be in Hamilton.

Lorraine Ballard announced that Cicely Wareham celebrated her 99th birthday this summer with a visit from a few of the members.

The next RWTO/OERO meeting will be on Oct. 26 at the Palmerston Presbyterian Church. Members are asked to bring a new teddy bear to be donated to the local hospitals.
