Members of the Palmerston Branch of Retired Teachers of Ontario attending a luncheon on April 26 were told “You need to play more! Go home and play!”
Lynn Hodgins introduced guest speaker Adrienne Gilbert, a retired professor of kinesiology from the University of Waterloo who shared her passion for studying the brain.
Gilbert referred to techniques such as “Brain Gym” and BAL-A-VIS-X (balance, auditory and vision exercises) which have been used in many schools. She talked about the work of Paul Hyman, president of Brain Fitness International and about a book she read called My Stroke of Insight by Jill Botte Taylor.
Gilbert explained that physical exercise is critical to mental and physical health and everyone needs to find ways to use both hemispheres of the brain. Research shows those who are active have better brain activity. She cited the importance of doing things like crosswords, playing board games, reading or learning a new dance as examples of activities that involve genuine concentration, which in turn can help to lower the risk of dementia. She gave the ladies an opportunity to try first hand some of the BAL-A-VIS-X exercises using small balls while following her instructions. The result was laughter and the chasing of lost balls. Mildred Francis thanked Gilbert for her talk.
President Kathy Brown welcomed Area 2 director Mary Duffin who, with the assistance of Lynn Morrison, installed the following new executive members for 2013-2015: past president Kathy Brown, president Oriole Blyth, first vice-president Anne Darroch, second vice-president Colleen Robertson, treasurer, Joanne Matthews, secretary Joan Woods.
Blyth presented Brown with her president’s pin. Brown thanked everyone for their support over the past two years. She also thanked members for their donations to Ramoth House and it was announced that the branch has purchased a total of 39 bed kits in support of Sleeping Children around the World.
Sandra Cole greeted members as they arrived. The draw prize donated by Helen Grainger was won by Joanne Walter.
Several travel opportunities will keep the group busy this summer and fall as Lynn Morrison has arranged for a trip to Deerhurst Lodge on June 11 to see the Decades Show which features music from the 1950s to the 21st century. As well, seats are still available for a trip to the Agawa Canyon and Mackinac Island from Sept. 23-27. On Oct. 18 the group will be able to travel to Stratford to see Fiddler On the Roof.
The financial statement and the proposed budget for 2013-2014 were presented by Matthews and approved by the members present. Reports were given by Lorraine Ballard for Goodwill and Francis for insurance.
Darroch reminded the walking group of the next outing on May 14 in Drayton.
Blyth encouraged everyone to bring some of their “teaching career memories and stories” to the next meeting on May 24 which will be “Historical Day.”