Residents request part two orders on Hillsburgh dam, bridge EA

At least two Erin residents have requested a part two order for the Hillsburgh bridge and dam environmental assessment.

A part two order, which anyone can request, can be filed when outstanding issues have not been addressed in the EA process. It can potentially increase the level of assessment.

Residents Anna Spiteri and Pauline Follett both requested the order from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) before the deadline on Feb. 1.

Spiteri said she was concerned about the sustainability and safety implications of the recommendations.

“I am at a loss why our council would disregard the objective expert advice of (Credit Valley Conservation) and (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry). I am quite concerned that the decision is a political one only, and is not environment-based,” she stated.

Follett said the town’s process was flawed, adding agency expertise “must have been ignored.”

The CVC brought up concerns about the town’s process at the Jan. 20 board meeting. CVC is continuing talks with Triton Engineering, consultants on the EA project, until Feb. 15 to see if outstanding issues can be resolved.

The MOECC will make a decision after reviewing and collecting necessary information from the town.
