Renovations planned at Aboyne library

The County of Wellington and its library board announced last week the Aboyne library will undergo a significant renovation this summer.

“The new facility will become the county’s newest shared-use facility, incorporating both dedicated library space and office space for the county’s Home Child Care Division,” said library board chair Rob Black in March 10 press release.

“Funds set aside for repairs and updates will now be available so that the facility can be brought up to county and provincial standards. An increased use of both the Fergus and Elora libraries, and vacant office space at the Aboyne library, presents the opportunity to create additional space for use by the County’s Child Care Division.”

Communications manager Andrea Ravensdale said no cost estimate for the project is available as it has not yet reached the design phase.

During deliberations for the 2015 budget, Wellington County council deferred a proposed $250,000 renovation project at the library but kept the funds in a reserve.

Chief librarian Murray McCabe stated, “The new 5,000-square-foot library space will create a welcoming environment for the public and will be comparable to library space at the award-winning Puslinch branch and the soon-to-be-built Hillsburgh library.”

County of Wellington Child Care Services operates a home child care agency for the Wellington service delivery area including Wellington and the City of Guelph. It also provides families with information and resources on how to look for licensed child care, and early identification and referrals for children who may have special needs.

“Providing these services in a central geographic location in the service delivery area will enhance equitable service delivery and better access for rural families,” commented social services administrator Eddie Alton. “Child Care Services will continue to have a presence in the City of Guelph at its downtown location.”

Renovation highlights include:

– “much needed” replacement of exterior cladding on the building;

– washrooms will be renovated to meet accessibility requirements;

– interior of library will be updated with new carpeting and the current book stacks will be replaced with shelving that meets the needs of a barrier-free accessible public building;

– renovations will allow staff to integrate new technology into the building, including: self-checkout kiosks and interactive children’s technology; and

– addition of a small seminar room to serve as a quiet study space.

The county press release states “children, parents and the greater community will enjoy the new modernized facility,” noting two services complement each other in their goal to serve child care providers.

The hours of operation will remain the same.

The release states the project will begin in June and is expected to last through the summer. Aboyne patrons will be welcomed to use the nearby Fergus and Elora libraries, the release states.

