Renewable energy proposals coming quickly and with complaints

The Green Energy Act has begun to kick start a new era for renewable energy in Onta­rio.

Entrepreneurs and commu­nity groups that have banded together to form their own companies, have been building renewable energy projects in Ontario since 2003, when the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) began paying premium pric­es for renewable electricity. Since 2003, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has ap­proved construction of approxi­mately 91 renewable energy projects, including 45 wind, six solar, 23 bio-energy, and 17 water projects – about 15 a year. On top of the traditional large-scale hydro-electric plants, On­tario now has approximately 1,275 mega watts of renewable elec­tricity generation.

Approvals for two major new solar farms were issued in December. Many other pro­jects, however, were stalled.

Now that the Green Energy Act is in force, the pace is picking up. One key promise of the act was to fast-track and simplify renewable energy project approvals.The act there­fore established a new system of more-or-less one-window approvals for re­newable energy projects, called "renewable energy approvals" (REA), to be issued by the MOE renewable energy pro­jects which hold REAs will be exempt from all municipal con­trols, such as official plans, zon­ing bylaws, site control bylaws, etc.

The GEA also set up a new system of premium prices for generators of renewable en­ergy. The new system is called a Feed in Tariff (FIT), and is designed to ensure that gen­erators make a profit for 20 years. As a result, the OPA re­ceived more than 1,000 appli­cations last fall from applicants wanting to generate 8,000 MW of renewable power. The ma­jor­ity of projects were wind (79%), with 16% solar and 5% other (such as biogas, biomass, water). Applicants will learn soon which projects have been accepted, depending on when they applied and how much capacity is available on their local electrical grid. The first round of FIT contracts should produce 2,500MW of elec­tricity, along with over $5-billion in spending in the de­sign, construction, and installa­tion of the projects.

In addition, Samsung has contracted to build 500MW a year for five years.

As soon as the contracts are awarded, the Ministry of the Environment is expecting 500 to 800 renewable energy ap­prov­al applications. In prepara­tion, an approvals team has been assembled. Amid exten­sive internal consultations and 150 pre-submission meetings, the necessary forms are being released; technical guidance documents will be published soon.

The MOE hopes to issue the first REA by March 31, to a project that was already well underway when the new act came into force. Many other REAs should roll out over the next year or two.

REAs for major projects, like large wind, solar, or biogas, will involve an elabo­r­ate process of consultation with the public, with municipalities, with other regulators, and with First Nations. At a minimum, the public will have two public meetings and an opportunity to review all necessary studies in draft, all before the application can be filed with the MOE. The MOE has promised to decide all applications within six months, one way or the other.

Public resentment

That rapid change in rules is bitterly resented by some. About 40 municipalities have al­ready passed resolutions op­posing large wind projects on their territory, even though (or perhaps because) they know those resolutions have no legal effect.

Some lawyers argue that municipalities still have power to block unpopular wind tur­bines. They point to broad muni­cipal powers to regulate a "nuisance," to the greater def­erence municipalities now re­ceive from the courts, and to the absence of anything in the act about the law of nuisance.

That notable omission was contrary to the advice of the On­tario Bar Association, and could create problems for re­newable energy proponents.

But the province could block all such municipal efforts with regulations under s. 5 of the act, comparable to the regu­lation now used to protect cer­tain clotheslines from private and municipal controls.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of the Environment continues to roll out new rules and pro­po­sals for other details of our re­newable energy future, such as:

– the numerous ap­provals issues associated with trans­mission;

– the fees to be paid for renewable energy approval applications; and

– much more detail on the requirements for offshore wind.

Very small wind and roof­top solar projects will not need REAs, and can be built almost anywhere; all they need is a building permit. Nearly1,200 of those "microfit" projects have been proposed, mostly by homeowners, farmers, church­es, and small businesses. In total, those projects would generate around 8.6MW of electricity – enough for 1,000 homes.

Seven hundred of those projects have already received contract offers from the OPA, and should be built soon.

This article is by en­viron­mental law specialist Di­anne Saxe, one of the top 25 environmental lawyers in the world.

