WELLINGTON NORTH – Mayor Andy Lennox says Wellington North council meetings will continue to be held remotely – with public access.
“Wellington North staff have made provisions for electronic council meetings that will be open to the public,” said Lennox in an April 1 statement updating the community on COVID-19 response measures.
The next day, Lennox told the Advertiser the meeting on April 6 at 7pm – rescheduled from 2pm – will be held via Zoom, an online remote conferencing service. Instructions to participate will be shared via the township’s website and social media accounts.

“As our community, our country and the world adjust to changes in work, lifestyle and personal habits I want you to know that Wellington North’s first priority is to keep our community safe while protecting essential services such as water/wastewater/roads and fire service,” Lennox stated in his April 1 release.
“Consistent with the direction from the federal and Ontario governments, our facilities are closed until further notice including recreational facilities, playgrounds, parks and any other gathering.”
The municipal office in Kenilworth is closed to the public, however taxes can be paid through banks and burn permits and dog tags can be obtained online.
Building permit applications with supporting documents may be submitted by email djones@wellington-north.com or dropped in the 24/7 box at the municipal office. To book inspections residents are asked to provide 48 hours notice where possible, by calling 519-848-3620 ext. 5.
“The provincial government has prohibited all organized public events of over five people, including parades, weddings, social gatherings and communal services within places of worship and I am confident our citizens will follow this directive and practice physical distancing and self-isolation to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being,” said Lennox.
The statement points out the provincial government has announced off-peak time of use hydro rates of $.101/kWh no matter the time of day, retroactive to March 24 and encourages residents to visit www.wellingtonnorthpower.com for information.
“Thank you to our township businesses and staff that are still serving the public in order to ensure our essential needs are taken care of and to the businesses who have closed their doors to help stop the spread,” Lennox stated.