
His image, my image

In case you might be questioning your purpose or are feeling a bit down today, here are some reflections that might help you. It sure has helped me a lot!

Father, you are my creator and sustainer. I am like you.

You created me in your “own image.” (Gen 1:27) I am your unique design, made by you and like you. This means that I possess countless outstanding qualities and attributes which belong to your nature and reflect your glory.

You give me “insight and understanding.” (Dan. 9:22) I am, like you, endowed with outstanding intellectual abilities. 

These abilities are expressed in the form of mental aptitude, diverse skills and the ability to reason, to name a few. 

You are “gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” (Ps. 145:8) In this sense I am, like you, emotional. Like you, I will display compassion, express profound sensitivity, become angry at the presence of evil, melt with pity at the sight of misery, and I will be sustained by joy in all circumstances.

Father, you work in me “to will and to act in order to fulfill [your] good purpose.” (Phil. 2:13) I am, like you, a free person, for your spirit in me has become the means whereby I possess the free will to choose. I am free, without hindrance or restraint, to choose careers, cars, clothes, etc., but most importantly, to choose and serve you out of my own free will. By the way, you are the best choice I have ever made.

I am, like you, a moral person, and I have the capacity and desire to connect with you. My affections and will were created to lean toward you, as also were my instinctive fondness and childlike innocence – they draw me into fellowship with you. Your words to me “are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.” (Psalm 19:10)

I am, like you, a social being, desiring someone to love within a mutually fulfilling companionship. You find supreme gratification in communion with me, as I do with you. 

You bring a passion to my soul to seek out where you live, and go there, and dwell there, and gaze on your beauty there “all the days of my life.” (Psalm 27:4)

I pray that these thoughts might enrich and empower you as you ask and allow Holy Spirit to reveal them to your spirit.
