Recycle unwanted electronics on Oct. 17

Does anyone have old elec­tronics taking up space in their basement that cannot be given away, donated, or reused?

The County of Wellington will be holding a one-day elec­tronics recycling event day on Oct. 17 from 9am to 2pm. The drop-off service is offered at no charge for Wellington County ratepayers. Acceptable items include: answering machines, audio players and recorders, cam­eras, computers, computer ac­cessories (disk drives, joy­sticks, keyboards, mice, mod­ems, speakers, webcams), fax machines, home stereo sys­tems, monitors, printers, tele­visions, telephones and VCR and DVD players.

Items that will not be ac­cepted include appliances, tools, games, and toys. For a more detailed list, visit www.­

The electronics collection event will be held in the parking lot at the following three locations:

– Grand River Raceway, 7445 County Road 21, Elora;

– Liquidation World, 480 Smith Street (Highway 6), Arthur; and

– Rockmosa community centre, 74 Christie Street, in Rockwood

Organizers ask that people bringing electronics to drop off also bring a non-perishable food donation to support local food banks. Preferred items would include peanut butter, oatmeal, rice, drink boxes, lunch snacks, pasta and sauces, chunky soups, and canned vege­tables, beans and pastas.

For more information, visit Wellington County’s website or call 519-837-2601 or 1-866-899-0248.

