The time is now to look at travelling an alternate route through downtown Fergus.
Signs are now in place announcing the Tower Street bridge (Wellington Road 18) from St. Andrew Street West to Queen Street West is expected to be closed from Feb. 13 until Nov. 8.
Wellington County has hired a contractor to complete the removal and replacement of the Tower Street bridge.
Once construction begins, the Tower Street Bridge will not be accessible to vehicles or pedestrians. An alternate through traffic route for passenger vehicles travelling on Highway 6 will be posted at Belsyde Avenue to take traffic to Scotland Street, Gartshore Street, Gordon Street and back to Highway 6 north of Fergus to alleviate congestion in the downtown core.
Additional signs will also be placed on Highway 6 to direct through traffic to utilize Wellington Road 7 as an alternate route.
For more information, contact the Wellington County roads division at 519-837-2600 or