For residents with a youngster who will be enrolling for junior kindergarten or kindergarten this September, East Wellington Community Services will be hosting their Ready, Set, Go! program, an eight-week program to prepare children for their first school experience.
Children will work on skills such as exercising their fine motor muscles for holding scissors and pencils correctly, turn taking, learning new songs, listening to stories and following along with the instructional songs and games…all in preparation to be ready and set to go for junior kindergarten and kindergarten this September.
Parents of children who will be attending Eramosa Public School or Rockwood Centennial Public School in September 2013, contact Jane at 519-856-2113 for more information and to register.
Parents of children who will be attending Brisbane Public School, Erin Public School, Ross R. Mackay School or St. John Brebeuf School should contact Angela M. at 519-833-9696 for more information and to register.