Raising funds for hurricane relief through “˜Amazing Race”™

Norwell District Secondary School students embarked on a race through the community for the second annual ‘Amazing Race’ on Oct. 12.

Thirty-nine teams participated in 11 challenges set up around Palmerston.

Challenges ranged from dressing a doll at Teenie Tiny Tots and building a sub at Subway using safe food handling techniques to pulling a fire hose through an obstacle course, decorating cookies at Palmerston Foodland, and many more throughout the community.

“Students created positive interactions with our local businesses and did Norwell proud,” school officials stated.

Participants raised $600 for Red Cross Canada to aid in hurricane cleanup efforts.

The winning team of Leah Herrfort and Taylor Sykes completed the race in just under two hours. “The event was a great success and we look forward to hosting it again next year,” officials note. “Students not only had a great time, but they had the opportunity to experience first hand some of the realities of the working world while creating relations with our local businesses and their owners,” said Betty Douglas, head of business studies at Norwell.

