Rain ignored as Big Brothers Big Sisters tourney raised $6,000

It poured, it drizz­led, and it continued to spit near­ly all day at the Ariss Vall­ey Golf and Country Club – but it failed to phase the golfers.

They were on the course for  Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington, and organi­zers were pleased at how everyone made their 14th annual golf tournament on June 12 a huge success.

There were 66 golfers who took part, and organizer Linda Austin said in an interview the next day, all but four finished the entire 18 holes.

“We had a wonderful day,” she said. “We carried on. It was great. It was very successful.”

The event is a big fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Austin said the weather never got to the point where golfers were forced to leave the course. There was no lightning, but a steady rain.

The event included a boxed lunch and steak and chicken barbecue.

The results were:

– top golfers: Jeff Kuiack team, David Gilman team and Mark Manning Team.

– the closest to the wiggly line was Dave Roberts and Joanne Iampietro.

– the closest to the pin: was Christina Manning and Bob Cooper.

– the putting contest: Deb Roberts and John Weishar; and 

– keepers of the pink ball were the Davis and Ferrier team.

In the hole in one competition sponsored Greg McCabe, from Reliable Motors (offering a prize of a two-year lease on a 2010 Ford Fusion), two golfers came close.

Austin said silent auction and money donations were­ received from individuals and businesses in the local com­munity and even from outside Cen­tre Wellington.

The children in Big Brothers Big Sister programs will benefit from the more than $6,000 raised from the tournament.  


