Puslinch to expropriate abutting lands near Cooks Mill bridge

Puslinch will be expropriating lands abutting the Cooks Mill bridge.

In making the public announcement, Mayor Dennis Lever said the township requires part of the lands at 88 and 104 Cooks Mill Road (between Carter and Watson roads close to the Guelph border) to accommodate current and planned road and bridge infrastructure crossing the Eramosa River.

Lever added the township was unable to negotiate a voluntary purchase of lands needed.As a result, Puslinch invoked a section of the Municipal Act which allows municipalities to expropriate land in respect to highways.

The township told its clerk to advise legal counsel, surveyors, an appraiser and staff as needed to take steps for expropriation to acquire the land.

Earlier that day, council held an in-camera meeting with township solicitor Stephen Garrod regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality; as well as for litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the municipality; and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
