ABERFOYLE – Members of the public had their chance this week to look at details of the proposed 2020 Puslinch Township budget.
Currently the municipality is looking at a 1.51% increase in taxation, but there are still a few details to be hammered out before final approval.
Council had scheduled a public information meeting on Jan. 16 at 7pm.
Council has been mulling the budget prospects for some time. As part of that process, on Jan. 2, council took an in-depth look into its grant applications, 2020 capital and operating budget update, capital projects completed in 2019, and township balances in discretionary and restricted reserves.
The meeting was shorter than anticipated due to the absence of finance director Mary Hasan due to illness.
Following the regular council meeting on Jan. 2, Mayor James Seeley noted essentially everything on the budget agenda was approved.
Councillor John Sepulis noted the township held back on a decision regarding the Puslinch Lake Conservation Association (PLCA) until there is a better understanding of how it would impact the overall budget.
Seeley added council intended to hold an additional budget meeting once the finance director returned and could answer questions.
Seeley said, “now we are looking at how much to add to the asset management plan which could be one or two per cent, and whether council approves the PLCA grant.” He noted not all community grant applicants received the full amount applied for.
“We kept in $114,000 for a gravel road surfacing initiative,” he added.
Sepulis noted council agreed to share the cost of constructing a sidewalk to Aberfoyle Public School, but still wants to hear if the school board is willing to contribute.