Puslinch Fire Department’s pumper truck comes in $200,000 under budget

PUSLINCH – The Puslinch Fire Department is getting a new pumper.

Council approved the purchase at its July 10 meeting.

Council had previously approved the purchase of a new pumper in February – a purpose-built Maxi Metal Saber pumper truck, from Commercial Emergency Equipment Co. of Delta, BC, at a cost of $1.15 million.

But as staff reviewed the terms and conditions of the contract, “ultimately, the conditions associated with the pre-payment option through Commercial Emergency Equipment Co. were not satisfactory to the township and therefore, staff are not able to recommend proceeding with the purchase,” reads the July 10 staff report.

Instead, the township has found another vendor, Rosenbauer America, City View Specialty Vehicles, that can provide a stock pumper for $968,110.

City View is a participating vendor with the Canoe Procurement Group of Canada.

Canoe is a cooperative purchasing agency that can provide discounts to levels of government, local boards and public agencies through bulk purchasing arrangements.

“Fire Chief MacNeil has indicated that this stock truck meets the needs of the township,” the report states. 

In addition, this vehicle comes in $200,000 under budget. The township will pay 10% up front and the balance upon delivery of the truck, expected sometime in 2025.

The new vehicle will replace pumper 31, which is reaching the end of its lifespan.