Puslinch Township councillors were paid a total of $82,236 last year.
Mayor Brad Whitcombe tops the list, with $16,680 in remuneration and $5,438 in expenses, for a total of $22,118.
Councillor Susan Fielding is next, with $17,361 in remuneration and $2,585 in expenses, for a total of $19,946.
She is followed by councillor Dick Visser, with $14,802 in remuneration and $728 in expenses, for a total of $15,530.
Councillor Don McKay had $12,041 in remuneration and $1,106 in expenses, for a total of $13,147.
And councillor Matthew Bulmer had $11,112 in remuneration and $383 in expenses, for a total of $11,495.
Remuneration for councillors consists of payment for regular and special meetings of council and committees.
The above figures do not include extra remuneration and expenses for outside boards, such as that received by Mayor Brad Whitcombe for his role on the board of the Grand River Conservation Authority ($1,310), or by councillor Don McKay for his role on the Hamilton Conservation Auth-ority ($2,198).