PUSLINCH – The community will have to wait a little longer to learn if Wellington Motor Freight can relocate its trucking hub to 128 Brock Road South.
Puslinch council was to make a decision about a zoning amendment application at its meeting on May 24.
The property, at the corner of Brock Road South and Gilmour Road, just south of Aberfoyle, is zoned highway/commercial and would need to be zoned industrial for the application to proceed.
Neighbouring residents are generally opposed to the proposal, noting highway/commercial zoning allows a buffer between industrial lands to the south and their residential properties.
They also have concerns about water and wastewater, noise and traffic.
According to the report in the agenda package, since a public meeting on April 18, the company has made changes to the layout of the property, including higher and longer sound barrier walls to mitigate some of the concerns.
But Pierre Chauvin, a planner at MHBC planning retained by Wellington Motor Freight, told council the company is asking for a deferral.
“They are requesting a bit more time to work out some internal legal matters,” he said.
Although community members were on the list to delegate to council on the matter, council agreed to defer the decision.

Wellington Motor Freight wants to locate a transport hub on property at the corner of Gilmour and Brock roads in Puslinch. The proposed site is outlined in red. Nearby residents and Blue Triton Brands, on the west side of Brock Road, are opposed to the proposal.
Image from March 22 public meeting agenda
Clerk Courtenay Hoytfox said although the province has imposed tight timelines on development applications with the prospect of having to refund development charges if they don’t meet the timelines, the province recently announced those timelines won’t commence until July 1.
“So there is no refund implication,” she said. “And we will ensure the public gets adequate notice.”
Mayor James Seeley assured those who planned to speak at the meeting they will get another opportunity.
“It is not our intent or desire to have something festering in the community,” Seeley said.
“We want to make a proper decision. And I will call a special meeting if this needs to be brought forward sooner.
“We just need the proper information. I apologize to those who are here and need to come back.”