Puslinch area home featured in recent Green Energy Doors Open event

On Oct. 5, 66 sustainable energy champions across Ontario opened their homes, community buildings and businesses to showcase conservation, renewable energy, combined heat and power, green buildings, clean transportation and other green energy projects as part of the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association’s (OSEA) second annual Green Energy Doors Open.

“We are excited to have over 60 great hosts sharing their stories during Green Energy Doors Open,” said Kristopher Stevens, executive director of OSEA. “Sustainable energy has the power to drive Ontario’s prosperity. These amazing folks are showing us how.”

One homeowner in particular has achieved 90 per cent in savings for heating and eliminated the need for air conditioning using simple technology and readily available components.

The house is noteworthy as it combines the knowledge and skills gained from building only extremely energy efficient houses for over 30 years.

The house is located on Valens Road just south of Puslinch Township. The project was completed by Braden Homes Ltd., of Rockwood.

The event at the Puslinch area home was part of the province-wide Doors Open event held in partnership with 28 organizations supporting sustainable energy.

It was an opportunity for local individuals, community groups and businesses to share their stories and first-hand knowledge with the public, local leaders and the media.

Green Energy Doors Open 2013 was the OSEA’s annual, single-day showcase of the province-wide green energy economy.

According to the OSEA, Ontario has established itself as a leader in sustainable energy in North America, with Feed-in Tariff projects creating more than 28,000 new “green” jobs.

“Thanks to Ontario’s green energy policy, programs, innovation and entrepreneurs, the province has attracted close to $30 billion in investment during the global recession,” said Stevens.

“We’ve attracted new manufacturers all while empowering local residents, farmers, First Nations, municipalities and co-operatives to become conservers and generators of clean, green energy. Energy efficiency and conservation are the keys to driving down our energy bills and the cost of doing  business in Ontario.”

Green Energy Doors Open allowed Ontarians the chance to visit sustainable energy projects free-of-charge to learn about things happening in their communities.

The goal of the event is to inspire Ontarians to move toward a greener future for the next generation.  For more information visit www.greenenergydoorsopen.ca.
