A public meeting will be held July 20 for property owners in Grand Valley, Marsville, and Waldemar on work being done to protect the water sources for municipal wells serving those communities.
The meeting will be from 7 to 9pm in the Grand River Room of the Grand Valley and District Community Centre, 90 Main Street North, Grand Valley.
The meeting is sponsored by the Grand River Conservation Authority and the municipalities that own the water systems: Township of East Luther Grand Valley (Grand Valley), Township of East Garafraxa (Marsville) and the Township of Amaranth (Waldemar).
Displays and presentations will highlight the results of recent technical studies of the municipal water systems serving those communities. The studies were done under the Ontario Clean Water Act as part of the effort to develop a Source Water Protection Plan for the Grand River watershed.
The information will be used by the Lake Erie region source protection committee to develop the source protection plan by 2012. People attending the meeting will find out:
– where municipal drinking water comes from;
– where the sources are vulnerable to contamination;
– what land uses pose a potential risk to the water sources;
– how to learn if their property is affected;
– how policies will be developed to protect the supply;
– how to be involved and make comment;
People who own property near the municipal wells have been mailed invitations. The invitations include brochures providing more information on the Clean Water Act, the technical studies and other matters related to source protection planning.
More information on source water protection planning in the Grand River watershed is available at www.sourcewater.ca.