Public Ash tree protected from Emerald Ash Borer

Brett Dixon of Dixon Forestry, injected TreeAzin into a treasured heritage Ash tree at 94 Colborne Street in Elora on Aug. 14.  

When absorbed into a healthy Ash tree, this insecticide kills 95 per cent of the Emerald Ash Borer larvae as well as various other pests. Dixon noted the tree is in very good health, demonstrated by the fact it quickly absorbed the TreeAzin.  

 “With a diameter of 112 cm, this elderly but healthy Ash tree is clearly one of our community’s grandest. And, because it is growing on a major road fast losing its old majestic Sugar Maples, it is even more important to the streetscape.  We are so grateful that we have been able to save it, for now,” says NeighbourWoods coordinator, Toni Ellis. A handful of residents have chosen to save their Ash trees by having them treated, but this is the first public tree in Centre Wellington to receive the injection. The cost is being divided between the dedicated family whose property fronts onto the boulevard and NeighbourWoods. The urban forest group is covering their share thanks to support from the Ash Tree Campaign.   

For the past two summers, a number of local businesses have set out jars inviting the public to contribute loose change to this cause. At one coffee shop, staff  even added a portion of their tips to the jar.   These funds have been added to the proceeds from NeighbourWood’s annual outdoor movie night plus a generous donation from a local business.

For more information about the Emerald Ash Borer and your Ash trees, please contact NeighbourWoods at 519-846-0841.
