Provincial reforms: municipal elections moved to October

Ontario is hop­ing to strengthen the integ­rity of local elections by clarifying campaign finance rules and creating new com­pliance and enforcement meas­ures.

The Good Government Act, passed by the legislature last week, reforms the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 by:

– moving election day to the fourth Monday in October;

– making voting places more accessible; and

– creating new rules for the financing of local elections.

Those reforms, which also would impact the election of school board trustees, are in response to issues identified by councils, candidates, voters, and election administrators. 

Minister of Municipal Af­fairs and Housing Jim Watson said, "Strong municipal gov­ern­ments depend on a fair and efficient municipal elections process. These legislative re­forms would strengthen the integrity of local elections."

Among the changes, there would be a new contribution limit of $5,000 per contributor in each jurisdiction.

Once the bill receives royal assent and proclamation, the amendments to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 will be­come law.

The municipal elections process will again be reviewed following the 2010 local elections.


