Provincial Command proclaims Legion Week

Ontario Provincial Command of The Royal Canadian Legion represents nine districts which include over 400 branches; within these branches the Legion has  over 160,000 members.

The Command is a non-profit organization assuming the responsibility of maintaining the tradition of Remembrance of those who paid the supreme sacrifice by defending our great nation in past and present conflicts, so Canadians can live in the freedom that we enjoy today.

It continues to support and represent our Veterans of past and present with many benefits as a result of the determination of our thousands of dedicated members at all levels of the organization.

Legion branches across the province work together with their affiliated organization, the ladies auxiliary, to raise funds in support of the many programs within Ontario Command of the Royal Canadian Legion.

With millions of dollars being raised from branch and ladies auxiliary projects, the Legion supports numerous programs benefiting our Veterans, seniors and youths within our communities.

Therefore, let it be known throughout the Province of Ontario that Sept. 15 to 21,  2013 is proclaimed Legion Week within Ontario Command of The Royal Canadian Legion.

