Province plans employment pension reform

Ontario is proposing to strengthen and mod­ernize the employment pen­sion system to help plans adapt to economic chan­ges while balancing the need for benefit security.


The Pension Benefits Am­end­ment Act, 2009, introduced in the legislature recently, is supposed to build on the recom­mendations in the report by the Expert Commission of Pensions, and would:

– clarify the benefits of plan members affected by lay-offs and eliminate partial wind-ups (when only part of a pension plan is closed);

– enable the restructuring of pension plans affected by cor­porate reorganizations, while protecting benefit secur­ity for plan members and pensioners;

– increase transparency and access to information for plan members and pensioners; and

– enhance regulatory over­sight, improve adminis­tration, lower compliance costs.

The government hopes that providing clear rules and mod­ernizing pension plan admin­istration would enable plan sponsors and plan admin­is­trators to operate more effici­ently and effectively. 

The Pension Benefits Amend­ment Act, 2009 is part of a multi-step process that rep­resents the first pension reform of this magnitude in more than 20 years. Another bill is plan­ned for 2010. 

Minister of Finance Dwight Duncan said, the government is “bal­ancing the diverse interests of working Ontario families, pen­sioners, and businesses that employ Ontarians. Despite the wide range of views, all of these parties want to achieve the common goal of successful pension reform."

In the 2009 budget, the gov­ernment committed to intro­duce pension reform legislation this fall.

McGuinty has called for a national pension summit in 2010 to encourage a pan-Canadian discussion on retire­ment income; a call endorsed by all other premiers.

