Province listened to request

It’s a good thing when the province listens.

Wellington North Township councillor Dan Yake said that last month councillors passed a resolution asking the provincial government for assistance.

“I’m sure we all would have liked to see the elimination of the HST, but since that wasn’t going to come, we asked them if they’d be interested in applying a tax credit for recreation activities.”

He noted from Sept. 7 News release that local MPP?John Wilkinson announced the province was offering a children’s activity tax credit.

The proposed new, perma­nent, re­fundable tax credit would make it cheaper for parents to get children involved in Sports, arts, and other activities said Wilkinson. The credit amounts to about $50.

Wil­kin­son cited “the provincial lead­ership shown by Well­ington North council.  Recently they passed a resolution calling on our government to create this new tax credit.”

Yake thanked councillors for their support of the idea.

“We’ve gotten several letters of support from the pro­vince, they certainly listened,” Yake said.

