Ontario is looking for ideas from legal associations, lawyers, and judges on how to make the civil justice system faster and less expensive.
"Our goal is to help Ontarians resolve disputes faster with lower costs by simplifying the civil justice system," said Attorney General Chris Bentley.
He is holding discussions in communities across Ontario following the release of the Civil Justice Reform Project: Summary of Findings and Recommendations, a commissioned report from Coulter Osborne.
The Attorney General began his tour Jan. 15 in Toronto, and continue over the next two months with stops in a number of communities across the province.
In November, the government released Osborne’s 81 recommendations, touching on 18 areas of procedural and substantive law, including small claims, trial management, appeals, technology, civility, unrepresented litigants, and proportionality.
The summary report is available on the ministry’s at www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca.
Public comment on the report can be sent to attorneygeneral@ontario.ca.