Province aims for fast, cheap civil justice

Ontario is looking for ideas from legal as­sociations, lawyers, and judges on how to make the civil justice system faster and less expen­sive.
"Our goal is to help On­ta­rians resolve disputes faster with lower costs by simplifying the civil justice system," said At­torney General Chris Bent­ley.
He is holding discussions in communities across Ontario following the release of the Civil Justice Reform Project: Summary of Findings and Recommendations, a com­mis­sioned report from Coulter Os­borne.
The Attorney General began his tour Jan. 15 in Toronto, and continue over the next two months with stops in a number of communities across the province.
In November, the govern­ment released Osborne’s 81 recommendations, touching on 18 areas of procedural and sub­stantive law, including small claims, trial management, ap­peals, technology, civility, un­repre­sented litigants, and pro­portionality.
The summary report is available on the ministry’s at
Public comment on the re­port can be sent to
