Bayonets and the sound of muskets firing was the order of the day as Wellington County and Guelph students learned about the nation’s military heritage.
The Canada at War series is offered each year in partnership with Guelph Museums and the Wellington County Museum and Archives, offering grade 7 and 8 students the chance to witness Canadian military history come to life through a variety of re-enactments, displays and exhibits – each portraying a different time period or conflict from Aboriginal wars to current events in Afghanistan.
The full-day event is divided between venues at the Wellington County and Guelph museums.
On May 17, re-enactors from the 41st Regiment of Foot were at the Wellington County Museum and Archives as part of the Canada at War program offered to students in Wellington County. The program offers students a chance to learn more about Canada’s role in various armed conflicts from the war of 1812 onwards.
Tom Fournier explained the re-enactors he was with – the 41st Regiment of Foot – recreates aspects of the War of 1812.
“We’re here happy to contribute to the Wellington County Museum and Guelph Museum’s Canada at War series,” he said.
Fournier said his group was touching base with the students, explaining the circumstances of the soldiers during the War of 1812, “which is important to the history of Canada.”
Being representatives of a British Regiment, “We talk about who we were and what our contribution was to the war.”
2012 also marks the bicentennial of the War of 1812, which makes for a busy year for re-enactors.
Fournier said, “We’ve been waiting for this a long time – the bicentennial.”
With it, Fournier said there are a number of signature events coming up this year.