Preschool to host annual spaghetti supper

If it takes a village to raise a child, it makes sense that it takes a village to support the Elora Cooperative Preschool’s biggest fundraiser of the year: the spaghetti supper.

“The community is amazing. Every year they give us everything we need to make this event happen,” said head teacher Debbie Mooney-Bianchi, better known as “Miss Debbie” in the community.

Last year’s event served 550 people and raised $17,000 through dinner tickets and silent auction tables.

“Our goal this year is $15,000. That would be really nice,” Mooney-Bianchi said, adding the funds will support equipment needs of the membership-funded preschool.

“This school operates solely on the fees our families pay to  attend the school. There is no government funding here. We do it all ourselves,” she said.

That’s one of the reasons Elora author and food activist Anita Stewart helped launch the spaghetti supper festivities.

“Anita was our first preschool president,” said Mooney-Bianchi. “She is a famous local cookbook author now, but she put together the Elora Co-op Preschool’s first cookbook.”

Stewart acknowledged the little cookbook, one of the first fundraisers for the preschool, inspired her successful career. Now Stewart likes to give back to the preschool and, when her hectic travel schedule allows, attend the spaghetti supper.

“This event is all about community,” Stewart said. “I think it is amazing how everybody pulls together for the children. That’s what it’s all about.”

This year’s spaghetti supper will be prepared by East Mill Tapas and Grill in Elora.

The event will include door and raffle prizes and a silent auction (items are online at the preschool’s website:

The spaghetti supper takes place at the Elora Community Centre on Feb. 26 at 4pm ($10 for adults, $5 for children). For tickets or to make a donation, contact or call 519-846-9333.
