Pop tab committee welcomes Robbie’s run

On May 24, the Elora Legion will be sur­rounded by motorcycles in sup­port of the tabs for wheelchairs campaign.

In 1993, Robbie Steele was in a motorcycle accident, and needed a wheelchair. The Elora Legion gave him one, using the funds raised through its pop tab fund. Since that day, Steele and his motorcycle friends have been collecting tabs and bring­ing them to the Elora Legion – and bringing their motorcycles as well. Last year they de­livered over a ton of tabs, and  rode in on over 300 bikes.

The tabs for wheelchairs campaign began almost 20 years ago by collecting aluminum pop tabs and selling the metal to raise funds to purchase wheelchairs for those in need. To date, several millions of tabs have been col­lected and sorted, and over 1,000 chairs have been donated.

If anyone wants to help with that cause, just start saving tabs – the little pull tab on pop and beer cans. Save them at home, at work, at school or wherever. Then, bring them to the Elora Legion at 110 Metcalfe Street, or call 519-846-9611 to arrange for someone to pick them up. More information is available at www.eloralegion.ca Every tab counts.

