It is not an immediate solution, but it could lead to one for residents in the Ellis and Townline Road area who are concerned with illegal parking.
On Jan. 23 Puslinch councillors reviewed correspondence from Wellington County engineer Gord Ough and Wellington OPP detachment inspector Scott Lawson regarding enforcement.
Councillor Wayne Stokley hoped that both agencies would continue to monitor the area.
“I know that Inspector Lawson indicated that he had some officers go through the area, but had not witnessed illegal parking,” said Stokley.
At the same time, he noted Ough is willing to send staff to monitor to determine if that is still the case.
“If we have both groups going out to find out if that is happening, we will have more detail as to whether no parking signs should be posted there,” Stokley said.
Mayor Dennis Lever said he’d spoken personally to Lawson on the issue and he reinforced that surveillance would continue. Lever said when he travels to Cambridge he tends to take that route and he had seen trucks parked there. “But it is hit and miss. A lot of the time there is nothing, so there would need to be regular patrols,” the mayor said.
Puslinch fire chief Bob Gordon noted he sees trucks parked along the road two to three times each week.
Tractor trailer drivers park there, walk to their homes to get fresh clothes, he explained.
“It seems they park there and also near the intersection of Wellington County Road 34 and Townline Road,” Gordon added.