Period costume designer will be guest speaker at historical society meeting

Historic costume designer Charlene Roberts will be the guest speaker at the Mapleton Historical Society’s annual meeting on May 13 at the PMD arena.

Roberts is a designer and needleworker doing commissioned work for museums and historic  sites as well as custom orders for historic interpreters. She also provides time-line fashion shows and displays as well as needlework demonstrations and displays.  She volunteers in the costume department at Doon Heritage village, Age of Sail Museum and Ottawa House museum.

She has been active as a re-enactor for 15 years participating in 18th century events, War of 1812 and civil war reenactments. During the summer months she follows the 1812 circuit as a merchant selling historic costume and reproduction Robert Land  footwear to re-enactors. At reenactments, when time permits, she demonstrates various musical instruments such as the bowed psaltery and mountain dulcimer.  Music is a welcome part of the re-enactors life when sitting around the campfires after the public has left the site.

Charlene is currently a member of many historic societies and a past member of numerous costume groups as well as needlework groups.  The skills learned through these groups such as knitting, bobbin lace, tambour embroidery, crewel work etc. are often used in her reproduction historic clothing.
